2013, already?!

Where the hell did the last week ago? It seems like the span of days between Christmas and New Years was way less than a full week.

The New Years clichés exist for a reason:  We’ve all experienced the roller coaster ride that happens in the span of twelve months, ridden the ups and downs and held on during the turns and nose dives that life takes us on. Most of us are planning resolutions and saying goodbye to what may have been a wonderful, or not-so-wonderful 12 months.

I’ve always moved as far away from the clichés as I possibly could, always throwing out a few choice words when people asked me what my resolution was, “What? I don’t need a time of year to set a goal!” The rebellion of change? Maybe. If we have to change, do we have to say goodbye to the people, choices, and circumstances that brought us to where we are? There’s safety in stagnancy – has anyone heard the old Chinese curse, “may you live an eventful life”?

But ultimately we all need something new, whether it be a tangible thing like a job or item, or something symbolic like the progression of days, months, and years. Those of us who fight the current are exhausted by the time it drags us away (which it inevitably will), and have difficulty accepting changes in others.

What’s the take-home-message in my early morning musings? I’m not entirely sure. Perhaps true joy stems from the balance of picking and choosing what and who we let go of: clinging on when the tied tries to pull us sometimes, and blissfully floating down a calm (or not so calm!) stream during others. This year I have struggled much to hard to let go: On both a personal and professional level, I’ve fought with the tide and lost. Loss is much more profound when we struggle, rather than accept, isn’t it? This year I will strive to ride the waves with skill and grace, and rather than watch with idle hands while others drift away, I’ll row with them. Openly, and honestly.

What’s in the works for me for 2013? New website, new incall location, much more practice and skill development (all dominatrix need PD now and again). Graduate school, new day job, new volunteer placement, and maybe I’ll finally plan out that novel I’ve been thinking about (not in the Brian from Family Guy kinda way, but in an actual way). At the same time, friends, family, pets….maybe if they ride the same waves I do, we can move together.

Cheers to an honest 2013, and a good riddance to 2012!
